Hesperus is Bosphorus

A group blog by philosophers in and from Turkey

2nd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science, April 19, Sunday, 2015, ODTU (METU), Ankara.

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Dear colleagues,
ISBCS 2015, the 2nd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science,
is going to be held in April 19, Sunday, 2015, at ODTU (METU), Ankara.

ISBCS wants to be a gathering in Turkey for cogsci researchers worldwide, and for cogsci researchers in Turkey.

Important information:

Symposium main web site: http://www.isbcs2015.ii.metu.edu.tr/

Venue: Culture & Congress Center (KKM), ODTU, Ankara

(directions: https://www.google.com/maps/place/ODTU+Kultur+ve+Kongre+Merkezi/@39.8927481,32.7860894,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x218b4bbd5313cf7d)

Submission: http://www.isbcs2015.ii.metu.edu.tr/submission.html

Registration (which is free but required; we print nametags from the list, and report the numbers to sponsors):


contact: isbcs2015@gmail.com

(For local lodging overnight, local cogsci students can help. Please use the contact just above, and leave enough time for us to make a plan).

Important dates:

April 19, Sunday, 2015: The symposium

January 7, 2015; 1st Call for Papers and Abstracts

March 15, 2015: Submissions close

March 29, 2015: Notification of accepted posters (The symposium is posters and invited talks only)



ISBCS invites research from all the fields which involve the common goal of cognitive science research: understanding the nature of the human mind and other minds including artificial minds. All submissions related to disciplines comprising the field of Cognitive Science will be considered, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Computer Science, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education.


Papers can be short/long conference papers and/or abstracts. If accepted, we expect at least one author to present the poster at the symposium. The papers may be submitted to/accepted by other conferences; we do not publish proceedings or require copyright. We will put together a booklet (or e-booklet) of abstracts. ISBCS is a great opportunity to get feedback before you present in a conference, or discuss research before its final result/publication. Graduate students and undergraduates of research lore are encouraged to present their thesis topics in the form of an abstract.

Confirmed Speakers:
Margaret Boden, University of Sussex

Aylin Küntay, Koç University

Daniela Schulz, Yeditepe University

Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh

Seyhun Topbas, Anadolu University

Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh


We hope to see you at ISBCS 2015, April 19, in Ankara.

Cem Bozsahin, Albert Ali Salah, Simay Ikier

On behalf of PC & organizers

Written by István Aranyosi

January 15, 2015 at 11:14 am

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